Comma-separated values (.csv)
Nick Ustinov avatar
Written by Nick Ustinov
Updated over a week ago

Lokalise supports standard CSV files that have a comma (,) as a separator. The principle is one language per file.

Please note that CSV files can be uploaded only to Web and mobile projects. The type is selected during the project creation:

CSV file requirements

CSV files should have the following columns:

  • Key name

  • Translation value

  • Description (optional)

  • Comment (optional)

The order of these columns does not matter when uploading CSV files via the Lokalise web interface. However, if you are using an API or a CLI, the columns must be provided in the order shown above.

Here's an example of a valid CSV file with two translation keys:

welcome,Welcome to the app!,Shown on the main page,Friendly tone
country,Select your country,Shown on the signup page,Polite tone

Adjusting columns

When you upload a CSV file via the web interface, you'll be able to choose what data each column contains (or ignore that column):

When you are ready, click Apply and perform the uploading as usual.

Technical limitations

  • Plurals are not supported in .csv files.

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