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Salesforce CRM

Learn how to integrate your project with Salesforce CRM.

Ilya Krukowski avatar
Written by Ilya Krukowski
Updated over 2 months ago

This feature is available only on the Enterprise plan.

If you're looking for the Salesforce Knowledge docs, please refer to the corresponding article.

Salesforce is a cloud-based CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platform that helps businesses connect with customers, partners, and potential leads. Lokalise integrates only with SFDC (, covering the following use cases:

  • Salesforce interface – supports global sales and support teams that work with custom content inside Salesforce.

  • Knowledge – allows support and customer success teams to translate knowledge articles stored in Salesforce.

  • Community pages – enables translation of content for partner portals, marketing portals, intranet, and non-profit communities that rely on Custom Labels.

Introductory information

Supported objects

Salesforce content consists of standard objects and customizable fields. Lokalise integrates with key objects that store translatable content in Salesforce.

  • Standard objects – built-in Salesforce objects like account, contact, lead, and opportunity.

  • Custom fields (picklist values + lookup filter) – each object contains fields, which can be either standard or custom. Supported field types include picklist, picklist (multi-select), text, and text area.

  • Custom labels – custom text values accessible from Apex classes, Visualforce pages, or Lightning components.

  • Button and link labels – custom buttons and links that integrate Salesforce data with external applications, the company’s intranet, or other systems.

  • Quick actions – custom shortcuts that improve navigation and workflow by giving users easy access to critical information. Find more details in the official docs.

  • Record type – allows businesses to configure different processes, picklist values, and layouts for different teams. For example, a company with hardware and consulting divisions can ensure that only the consulting division sees seminar-related leads.

  • Validation error messages – custom validation error messages added to any object. These are also translatable fields.

Salesforce CRM and translation workbench

Salesforce uses translation workbench to manage translations for metadata and data labels. Lokalise integrates with this workbench to pull and update translated values. The process includes:

  1. Activating translation workbench

  2. Adding languages to the workbench

  3. Adding translations to all translatable fields

Initial setup


To manage user licenses, go to Administration > Users > Users, find the user you want to modify, click Edit next to their name, and select a license from the User License dropdown.

For CRM app users, the Salesforce license is required.

Creating permission sets

Go to Administration > Users > Permission sets and create a new permission set. Enter a label and an API name (any values can be used). The correct license type must be selected, and system permissions should be adjusted as outlined below.

System permissions can be modified under System Permissions:

  • Choose Salesforce as the license.

  • Enable the following system permissions:

    • API enabled

    • Customize application

    • Manage translation

    • Lightning experience user

    • Modify data classification

    • Modify metadata through metadata API functions

Assigning permission set to a user

Once the permission set is created and configured, it needs to be assigned to a user.

Go to Administration > Users > Users, find the user you want to modify, and click on their name (do not click Edit). Click Permission set assignments.

Click Edit assignments.

Add the newly created permission set and click Save.

CRM object permissions

For Lokalise to translate objects, the app needs permission to access these fields. By default, only Salesforce system administrators have full access to all objects. The only exception is Custom Labels, which do not require any object permissions.

While using a system administrator profile is possible, it is not recommended due to security risks. Instead, object permissions should be set manually by either:

  • Adjusting permissions in a permission set (recommended)

  • Creating a new profile

Adjusting object permissions in a permission set

Go to Administration > Users > Permission sets, find the relevant permission set, open it, and click Object settings.

Locate the object you want to synchronize with Lokalise, open it, click Edit, and modify its permissions:

  • Objects require Read, Create, and Edit permissions

  • Fields require Edit Access permission

Make sure this permission set is assigned to the user as described in the Permission sets section.

Adjusting object permissions in a profile

If you prefer to create a new profile instead of modifying a permission set:

  • Go to Administration > Users > Profiles and create a new profile based on Standard User.

  • Scroll to the Standard Object Permissions section and adjust permissions for the objects you want to sync with Lokalise.

  • Objects require Read, Create, and Edit permissions. Fields require Edit Access permission.

Once profile permissions are set, assign this profile to the relevant user:

  • Go to Administration > Users > Users

  • Find the user and click Edit

  • Under Profile, select the newly created profile from the dropdown

The user license must match the license assigned to the profile. If the user’s license is not set to Salesforce, the newly created profile will not be available for selection.

Adding translation languages

To add languages for Salesforce CRM, go to User Interface > Translation Workbench > Translation Language Settings. This section displays all currently added languages and provides an Add button to create new ones.

The language ISO codes in Salesforce must match the language codes in Lokalise to ensure proper synchronization.

Connecting Lokalise to Salesforce

If you haven’t already, create a Marketing and support project in Lokalise.

Enter a project name, select the base and target languages, and choose Salesforce CRM from the Content integration dropdown.

Once created, go to the Content management tab. If not redirected automatically, open your project manually and proceed to this tab.

Choose the Salesforce environment (production or sandbox), and then authorize the app.

Using the app

Salesforce CRM supports automated import and export of translatable content. More details can be found in the corresponding article.

After authorizing the app, you’ll see a list of available items that can be imported to Lokalise for translation.

Importing content

Select one or more items and click Import selected. You’ll then be prompted to choose the languages to import. Any missing languages will be automatically created in your Lokalise project.

You can also adjust the following options:

  • Overwrite updated translations – if checked, all previously imported translation keys will be updated with the latest data from Salesforce.

  • Skip key creation for empty translations – if checked, Lokalise will not create translation keys for items that are empty in Salesforce.

The import process runs in the background, and you can track its progress on the Activity page.

To find a specific item, use the search box in the top right corner or filter content using the Filter dropdown.

Exporting content

Once translations are completed, return to the Content management tab, select the items you want to export, and click Export selected.

In the export dialog, choose the languages to upload and click OK. The process runs in the background, and the translations will be updated in Salesforce.

Known issues and limitations

Lokalise cannot synchronize data with Salesforce if multiple fields, buttons, or other items have identical names, regardless of case sensitivity. If synchronization fails and you suspect duplicate item names, contact our support team for assistance in identifying and resolving these conflicts.

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