You might also be interested in checking out our Node API SDK.
A sample app built with Node.js and React can be found on Developer Hub.
Lokalise can be used with Node.js apps.
Your Node.js app must be prepared for localization (see Node.js i18n docs).
You'll need an existing Lokalise project. Specifically, you'll require the project ID that can be found in the project settings.
A read/write Lokalise API token is required. Learn how to work with the API tokens in the corresponding article.
The Lokalise CLI tool must be installed.
To run the Lokalise CLI tool from NodeJS, you will need to use the child_process.execFile API.
Using LokaliseFileExchange package
Use the lokalise-file-exchange to upload and download translation files. Check the sample app to see more examples.
Initial setup
Install the package:
npm install --save lokalise-file-exchange
Configure uploader and downloader:
import { LokaliseUpload, LokaliseDownload } from "lokalise-file-exchange";
const apiKey = "YOUR_API_TOKEN";
const projectId = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID";
const lokaliseUploader = new LokaliseUpload({apiKey}, {projectId});
const lokaliseDownloader = new LokaliseDownload({apiKey}, {projectId});
Learn more about client configuration in the package's readme. Now you're ready to perform file exchange!
Uploading to Lokalise
Prepare uploading options:
import type { CollectFileParams, ProcessUploadFileParams } from "lokalise-file-exchange";
import type { UploadFileParams } from "@lokalise/node-api";
const uploadFileParams: Partial<UploadFileParams> = {
replace_modified: true, // Replace modified files on Lokalise
const collectFileParams: CollectFileParams = {
inputDirs: ["./locales"],
extensions: [".json"],
// fileNamePattern: "^en\\.json$", // Regex to match only "en.json"
const processUploadFileParams: ProcessUploadFileParams = {
pollStatuses: true, // Wait for file processing to complete on Lokalise
Note that most of these options are not mandatory. Learn more in the readme.
Start the upload:
const { processes, errors } = await lokaliseUploader.uploadTranslations({
will contain an array of queued processes. If the pollStatuses
option has been set to true
, the uploader will wait for all the processes to be completed or cancelled.
will contain an array of errors (if any).
Downloading from Lokalise
Prepare downloading options:
import type { DownloadFileParams } from "@lokalise/node-api";
import type { ExtractParams } from "lokalise-file-exchange";
const downloadFileParams: DownloadFileParams = {
format: "json", // Format of downloaded translations
original_filenames: true, // Keep original filenames from Lokalise
indentation: "2sp", // Indentation style
directory_prefix: "", // Directory structure prefix
const extractParams: ExtractParams = {
outputDir: "./", // Target directory for extracted files
Note that most of these options are not mandatory. Learn more in the readme.
Start the download:
await lokaliseDownloader.downloadTranslations({
Downloader will automatically expand the archive with your translations to the specified path. If no errors have been raised, it means the process has been completed successfully. Please note that existing translations will be overwritten.
Using Lokalise CLIv2
Use Lokalise command line tool to easily exchange translation files.
Uploading to Lokalise
Upload your translation files to Lokalise:
$ lokalise2 \
--token <token> \
--project-id <project_id> \
file upload \
--file "myapp/locales/en.json" \
--lang-iso en
Additional upload options can be found in the CLI docs.
Downloading from Lokalise
As the translators are done you need to download the language files from Lokalise:
$ lokalise2 \
--token <token> \
--project-id <project_id> \
file download \
--format json \
--original-filenames=false \
--bundle-structure "%LANG_ISO%.json" \
--unzip-to "myapp/locales/"
Additional download options can be found in the CLI docs.