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Project settings

Learn how to modify the project configuration.

Ilya Krukowski avatar
Written by Ilya Krukowski
Updated over a week ago

Modify your project configuration on the settings page.

Getting started

You can quickly navigate to the project settings from the top menu by clicking More > Settings:

To the left, you will find several groups of project settings. Switch between them to view the contents of the target group.

View the image with the available tabs

For your convenience, each group has useful tips on the right side, next to the settings list. Some of the settings also have a small ? icon near their labels: click it to see a short explanation.

After adjusting any parameters, do not forget to save the changes by clicking the corresponding button at the bottom. Apart from simply applying the changes to the current project, there are two additional buttons for removing the project and cloning it.

Below, you will find a brief explanation of the settings available within each group.


Project name: the title of your project.

Description: a short summary of the project for your contributors.

Project ID: an auto-generated identifier, which is used in our API or CLI tool. This identifier is unique and cannot be modified.

Public signup: when enabled, this feature allows you share a link so that new contributors can join the project. Users invited using the link are accounted for by your team plan, so make sure the total number of contributors does not exceed the number of your team plan seats.  

The link leads to the landing page of the current project. Upon opening it, the users will be able to choose one or more languages to contribute to.
Please note that if you would like to make your team's project publicly joinable only by the members of your organization, you can adjust team visibility settings as explained in the corresponding article.

Base language: set one of the project languages to be used as base. This dropdown will contain only the languages that were previously added to your project. Choosing a base language is important for the platform to provide you with the proper inline machine translations, translation memory, etc.

Allow key editing: restrict the level of key editing available to admins (does not apply to operations performed via the API).

  • All properties (default) admins will be able to modify all key parameters, including key name, platforms and associated files.

  • Only description and char limit only the description and character limit can be modified.

  • Disabled key editing will be completely disabled.

Belongs to team: move the project to another team. You must be the target team’s admin in order to do this. Doing so will automatically add all the current project users to the target team.

Glossary options: you can keep the glossary private for a specific project, or share it with other users. Also, you can use a glossary from a different project if it already has been shared in another project belonging to the same team. Learn more about glossary.

Setting up TM

Project administrators can select an exact translation memory to be used in the current project. If the project requires more than one TM they can adjust TM priority by dragging boxes into the necessary order. Also, team admins have to select which translation memory will be updated with new translations from the project by modifying the Translation memory target option.

Quality assurance

Check the box next to any option to enable it.

Reviewing: enable reviewer access for project contributors.

Custom translation statuses: contributors can assign various statuses to the existing translations for a more efficient workflow. Learn more about working with custom translation statuses in the corresponding article.


Branching: when enabled, you will be able to create multiple versions of the same project with different translations, keys, and other data. To learn more about project branching, please check the corresponding article.

Per-platform key names: turn on to use different key names for the different platforms.

Offline translation: allows contributors to download and upload translations as XLIFF files. You can learn more about offline translation in the corresponding article.

Inline machine translations: enable or disable inline machine translation suggestions for all users involved in this project.

Contributing within tasks only: when enabled, regular contributors (non-admins) will be able add/edit the translations only if they are assigned as contributors in a task.


YAML key separator: select a delimiter that will be used to flatten and unflatten the keys when completing a YAML import/export. You will need to re-import the keys after updating this setting.

JSON import plural format: choose how should JSON plurals be handled in the uploaded files.


Find more information in the Project branching article.

You will see the Branches tab on the Settings page if the corresponding feature was enabled for your project. Under the Branches tab you'll be able to manage your branches and merge them as needed.

QA checks

Find more information in the QA checks article.

Quality assurance in Lokalise allows you to set up automated checks for several typical use cases. For each item, you can choose the notification level:

  • Off: the target check will not be fulfilled.

  • Warning: you will be able to save the inconsistent changes but they will be marked with a warning in the editor.

  • Error: the editor will not let you save any inaccurate changes; adjustments pending via the API will be marked with warnings


Find more information in the Automations article.

Automations allow you to define custom actions that have to be performed automatically whenever translation value for the chosen language is being changed via UI, API, or integrations. For example, you may create a rule that will provide machine translations for the French language whenever English translations are modified.

Auto toggle Unverified (this option was previously found under the General tab but now it is available under Automations): when someone changes the base language value, all translations are automatically marked as not verified.

Spelling exceptions

Find more information in the Spelling and grammar checks article.

You can add terms to the dictionary, so the QA check would not perceive these words as spelling errors. To add an exception, open your project editor, click on the word with a spelling mistake, and click Add to dictionary:

Then you'll find the newly added exception under the Spelling exception tab:


Find more information in the Snapshots article.

Take a snapshot of your project manually at any time, or schedule these to be created automatically on a daily basis. Snapshots serve as your project backup, enabling you to roll back easily at any moment in case anything goes wrong with the project contents.

OTA Bundles

Find more information in the OTA SDK article.

Under the tab you can manage translation bundles for over-the-air localization (iOS, Android, and Flutter).

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