Available events

This article summarizes all the Lokalise project events that you can send notifications for.

Ilya Krukowski avatar
Written by Ilya Krukowski
Updated over a week ago

Lokalise provides a number of apps that can notify contributors about certain events that happen within your project.

All these apps support similar events therefore let's discuss their meaning and purpose.


  • Updated — translation has been updated within the project. Once this event is selected, you'll be able to choose one or more project languages to monitor. Please note that before a language appears in the dropdown you'll need to add it manually to the project. If no languages were selected, then every locale will be monitored.

  • Reviewed — translation's reviewed status has been modified. Once this event is selected, you'll be able to choose one or more project languages to monitor (keep the field empty to monitor all languages). Please note that:



  • Added — a new translation key has been added to the project.

  • Removed — a translation key has been removed from the project.

  • Modified — an existing translation key has been modified.

  • Comment added — a comment has been added for a translation key.


  • Created — a new task has been created within the project and its status is set to "in progress".

  • Queued — a new task has been created and its status is set to "queued". Usually a task is queued when it is created as a chained task. It will become active once its parent is closed (completed).

  • Closed — a task has been closed (marked as "completed").

  • Deleted — a task has been deleted.

  • Language closed — a specific language has been closed in the taks scope. As long as a single task can contain multiple languages to translate or review, you can send notifications every time a specific language is marked as "completed".

  • Initial TM leverage calculatedtranslation memory leverage has been calculated for a newly created task. Basically TM leverage indicates how many words translators can fetch from the memory instead of translating everything from scratch (it also takes match percentage into account).

    • Please note that this event is available only for webhooks (but not for other apps).


  • Added — a new language has been added to the project.

  • Removed — a language has been removed from the project.

  • Settings changed — language settings have been modified.


  • Added — a new contributor has been added to the project.

  • Added public — a new contributor joins a project via the public signup feature. This feature has to be manually enabled in the project settings.

  • Removed — a contributor has been removed from the project,


  • Added — a new project branch has been added. Please note that the branching feature has to be manually enabled in the project settings. This feature is not supported for "documents" projects and segmented projects.

  • Removed — a project branch has been removed.

  • Merged — two project branches have been merged.


  • Created — a new translation order has been created for the current project.

  • Completed — a translation order has been completed for the current project.

  • Deleted — a translation order has been removed.

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