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Team work involves discussion on particular keys. Use key comments and mention people using @.

Ilya Krukowski avatar
Written by Ilya Krukowski
Updated over a week ago

Team work often involves discussion on particular keys therefore you can take advantage of the comments widget.

Opening the comments widget

To leave a comment for a key, proceed to the project editor and click on the corresponding button under the key name:

Once this button is clicked, you'll be presented with a comments widget (previously known as a "chat widget"):

In this widget you'll see the key name you are leaving a comment for (welcome in this case). You will always see unread comments at the top of your comments panel.

You can also open this widget by pressing Ctrl+Shift+M (or Cmd+Shift+M) key combination or by clicking the Comments button in the left menu:

Writing a message and notifying other contributors

Type your message in the text box and then press Enter. You can mention other contributors by entering @ character and then typing their name. Please note that the message length is limited to 1000 characters.

Once you leave a comment on the key, it is automatically emailed to everyone mentioned with the @ symbol. You can control your notification settings in the personal profile.

Editing and deleting messages

You can edit and delete your comments by clicking on three small dots next to your message:

Navigating the widget

You can click on the "arrow with a circle" icon to jump to a translation key that this comment was left for. The key in question will be highlighted with yellow:

You can also return to all comments for the given project by clicking on the "left arrow" icon at the top:

Finally, you can switch between projects in the comments widget by clicking on the projects dropdown (when you've returned to the list of all project comments):

You can mark all comments as read by clicking on the cog icon and choosing the corresponding option:

Please note that if you are browsing the list of all project comments, you won't be able to write a new comment. In other words, you cannot leave generic comments not linked to any key or translation. To write a comment, please proceed to a specific key/translation:



Comments support threading. To start a thread, click Reply in thread:

You'll see a very similar interface:

The thread can be resolved (closed) by clicking on the checkmark icon in the top right corner.

You can also resolve a thread when viewing all key comments:

If a thread is resolved, it won't be shown in the list by default. However, you can open all comments list and click on the filter icon to view resolved threads:

Translation-level comments

You can also write comments for individual translations by pressing the corresponding button:

When you press this button, a regular comments widget will be opened:

Please note that in this case you'll also see the language that this comment was written for (US English in the example above).

Translation-level comments will be displayed in the list of all comments for the project. You'll see similar controls:

If you click View key in editor or Reply in thread, the corresponding translation will be highlighted and all other keys will be filtered out.

Please be aware that contributors with access to a specific language can only see comments that are left for their language. In other words, if Bob has access only to the French language, he won't see any comments left for US English translations.

Special notes

Adding comments

  • Comments must be linked to a key or a translation: you cannot write generic comments like in messengers or chats.

  • When importing translation files that contain comments (for example, Excel files), these will always be treated as parent-level comments.

    • Replies to parent comments cannot be imported or exported.

    • Translation-level comments cannot be imported or exported.

Displaying comments

  • Key comments, translation comments, and thread comments view will display only the last 100 comments.

  • Project comments summary view will display all comments but they will be loaded in batches of 100 comments.

Comments retention and persistence

  • All resolved comments (threads) will be retained for 6 months after resolution time. After 6 months these comments and threads will be wiped.

  • Please note that the key comments are no longer saved in the project snapshots and therefore cannot be restored from a snapshot.

    • In other words, if a comment is deleted, there's no way to restore it.

  • Comments will not be merged when merging branches. In other words, if you are merging branch_b into branch_a, comments from branch_b will be lost and only comments from branch_a will be preserved.

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