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Count words/keys/translations and monitor the progress of the translations

Ilya Krukowski avatar
Written by Ilya Krukowski
Updated over a week ago

This feature is available from the Essential plan and above.

Statistics provides you with additional insights on your current project translation status, allows you to spot your best/worst translators, and more.

To view project statistics, you'll require administrator access with the View statistics permission (team owners implicitly have this permission):

To view statistics, open your Lokalise project and click More > Statistics in the main menu:

Observe your project data:

Here are the key metrics:

  • Done — this is a total completion percentage which is calculated based on completion for all the project languages. For example, if you have three languages — English (100% completed), French (0%), and Spanish (0%) — the Done percentage will equal to 33%.

  • Keys — how many translation keys your project contains. Please remember that a single key can contain multiple translation values equal to the number of project languages.

  • Words total — how many words in all translations for all languages the project contains.

  • Team — the number of project contributors.

  • OTA usage (gigabytes) over-the-air usage in the current project.

You can observe more data in the form of reports with custom set date ranges both for your translations and for mobile SDKs.

Specifically, you can view the following reports:

  • Translations by language

  • Translations by contributor

  • Words translated for the selected period

  • Words translated for all time

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