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Translate and collaborate
Translate and collaborate

Translation editor, tasks, professional translations, collaboration tools, and in-context editors.

Dmitry Olenovs avatarNick Ustinov avatarIlya Krukowski avatar
4 authors32 articles

Translations features and settings

Learn about translation memory, glossary, machine translation, translation statuses, offline translation, translation reports, and more.

Translation memoryLearn how to take advantage of translation memory and manage translation memory entries.
AI SuggestionsUse the power of artificial intelligence to translate into any language.
GlossaryLearn how to set up, import and export your project’s termbase.
Machine translationLearn about supported MT providers and their usages.
Custom translation statusesLearn how to configure, manage, and use custom translation statuses in your project.
Translation Statuses: Translated, Verified, Reviewed, and CompletedWhat are the differences between translated, verified, reviewed, and completed translation statuses? Find out in this article!
Unverified translationsUse the Unverified flag to signal a translation that is not considered 100% correct.
Translation historyTranslation history keeps all versions of each translation update you have ever made.
Offline translationAllow translators to download and upload translations as XLIFF files.
Find and replaceSearch for a text and replace it with a new value.
PseudolocalizationUse Pseudolocalization if you don't have real translations yet but you need some kind of demo data.
Filter by screenshotsLearn how to filter your translation keys based on the screenshots.
Translation reports and word countLearn how to view translation reports and how we count words for the performed translations.

Professional translations

Learn how to create professional translation orders and all the providers Lokalise supports.

Professional translation servicesLearn how to place translation orders and choose from the available providers.