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Translation history

Translation history keeps all versions of each translation update you have ever made.

Ilya Krukowski avatar
Written by Ilya Krukowski
Updated over 6 months ago

The Translation history feature allows you to roll back any translation to a previous version, giving you full control over your project's evolution.

Viewing translation history

To view the history of a specific translation, open the project editor, locate the translation you’re interested in, and click the History button next to it:

This will open the History pane:

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In the list, the earliest version of the translation is at the bottom. You can toggle the Show differences option to highlight the changes between versions.

For each version, you’ll see details like who made the changes, which tool was used (such as the editor or API), and when the changes were made.

If you need to revert to an earlier version, simply click the Restore button next to that version.

Reverting to last translaiton history in bulk

If you need to undo the last change for multiple translation keys at once, you can do this in bulk. Just select the affected keys and choose Restore to last translation history from the bulk actions menu. This will revert all selected translations to their previous state.

For a more comprehensive backup, you can use snapshots to save the entire project, including all keys, translations, settings, and contributors. This is especially useful if you want a full restore point before making significant changes.

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