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Multilingual view and bilingual view

Use the multilingual view to work with multiple languages, or the bilingual view to concentrate on translating into a single language.

Ilya Krukowski avatar
Written by Ilya Krukowski
Updated over 7 months ago

The Lokalise project editor offers two views: multilingual and bilingual. You can easily switch between these modes based on your translation needs.

Multilingual view

The multilingual view is ideal for team leaders and contributors who work with multiple languages simultaneously. In this view, you can see translations for several languages at once and modify any translations, provided you have the necessary access rights:

To show or hide specific languages, use the languages dropdown menu:

View image

Bilingual view

The bilingual view provides a focused workspace, allowing you to concentrate on translating into a single language:

In the top menu, choose your source and target languages:

  • The source language (English in the example above) is the language you're translating from. A small dot next to the source language indicates that it is also the base project language.

  • The target language (French in the example above) is the language you’re translating into.

Please note that in this mode, you won’t be able to modify translations for the base language.

Available controls

Common controls

Both multilingual and bilingual views share similar controls available in the top menu. For a full overview of all available buttons and actions, refer to the Project editor article.

Files widget

Use the Files widget to manage translation filenames within your project.

For more details, see the Filenames article.

Display placeholders as blocks

Translations often contain technical elements like HTML markup and placeholders, which generally shouldn’t be modified or translated. To avoid accidental changes, you can hide these elements and display them as small blocks:

Display key references as text

Toggle the following button to choose whether key references are displayed as text or key identifiers in the project editor:

  • When enabled, references appear as text with green highlighting.

  • When disabled, references are shown as key identifiers.

Display spelling and grammar errors

Enable this feature to have Lokalise highlight spelling and grammar errors in your translations.

Learn more about this feature and supported locales in the Spelling and grammar check article.

Remember position in project

Use the Remember position in project button to save your position in the editor automatically. This way, when you reload the page, you’ll return to the same spot:

For more information, refer to the Project editor article.

Filter by screenshots

Easily filter your translation keys by assigned screenshots:

Learn more in the Filter by screenshots article.

Special controls in Bilingual view

Offline translation

Click to download translations from Lokalise to your local PC in XLIFF format.

This allows you to adjust your translations using a third-party tool and then re-upload them to Lokalise by clicking the same button. Learn more in the Offline translation article.

Show source difference since last translation

This feature helps you identify what changes have been made to the source text since it was last translated. Enable the Show source difference since it was last translated option:

In the example above, after the tallest_mountain key was translated, the source text changed from "Mount Everest" to just "Everest."

Focus mode

To hide extra elements and concentrate on translating, enable Focus mode:

When Focus mode is enabled, only the base and target translations are visible, without key names, platforms, tags, or additional actions.

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