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Language settings

Lokalise supports over 400 languages out of the box. Learn how to adjust language codes and other settings.

Ilya Krukowski avatar
Written by Ilya Krukowski
Updated over 11 months ago

Lokalise offers support for over 400 languages, complete with their respective language codes and plural forms. To access a comprehensive list of all languages currently supported, you can utilize our APIv2 by making an HTTP GET request to the List system languages endpoint. Additionally, a detailed list of all supported locales is available in a CSV file format.

Furthermore, it's possible to adjust these default configurations according to your requirements or even introduce new languages with customized settings.

Getting started

First, navigate to the projects dashboard, scroll to the desired project and press on the dots next to the language that you would like to modify. Then choose Language settings from the dropdown:

This can also be done from the project page. Simply click on the Languages dropdown in the top menu, click on three small dots next to the language, and choose Settings:

Changing language settings

You'll see the following dialog:

  • From the Change language dropdown you may choose a new language. Its name, ISO code, and plural forms will be updated automatically. Please note that you won't be able to change using this dropdown the language if the branching is enabled in the current project.

  • Custom language code — toggle switch to On in order to override a language ISO code. Then simply enter a desired value.

    • Please note that you may also override this code on a per-format basis when downloading your translations. To achieve that, open the Download page, expand the Languages section, and press on the language code in the right part of the page. Enter a new value and press on the checkmark:

    • You can adjust the custom language code (as well as other parameters listed below) when the branching feature is enabled but you should be aware about potential merge conflicts. Please refer to the branching docs to learn more.

  • Custom language name — toggle switch to On and enter a new language name.

  • Custom plural forms — toggle switch to On to add or remove plural forms for the language. The default plural forms for the chosen language are marked in bold. Under the hoods, Lokalise relies on Unicode CLDR plural rules.

Plural forms

Plural forms are utilized when you are creating a plural translation key. To create such a key, press Ctrl+K (or Cmd+K) key combination and provide the general key options as usual. Then proceed to the Advanced tab:

Under this tab you have to toggle the Plural switch:

After the key is created, for each language you are going to see different plural forms:

Creating custom languages

Custom languages can be very useful when you want to introduce support for a non-existing language (for example, Klingonese). Also it might be convenient when you are localizing a game, and certain phrases in the same language might be spoken by different characters. In this case you can create custom languages called, for example, English (male) and English (female).

To create a custom language, click New language in the Languages dropdown:

Search for “custom” in the dropdown:

Lokalise provides 150 custom languages for you that you may tweak as needed.

Now press on the newly added language and choose Settings:

Adjust language settings as needed. For example, you can use custom languages to create non-existent (fictional) languages:

Finally, hit Save. Your new custom language will be available in the project editor.

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