ContentfulEasily sync your Contentful content with Lokalise.
Contentful NativeTranslate Contentful data in Lokalise. Supports linked entries and all rich text capabilities.
ContentstackSync Contentstack data with Lokalise.
DittoLearn how to use Ditto app in Lokalise.
HubSpotIntegrate Lokalise with Hubspot to manage your pages, emails, and blogs.
MarketoLearn how to use Marketo with Lokalise.
IterableLearn how to use Iterable with Lokalise.
StoryblokIntegrate Lokalise with Storyblok and manage your content with ease.
WordPressLearn how to exchange posts and other items between WordPress and Lokalise with ease.
Zendesk Dynamic ContentIntegrate Zendesk with Lokalise and translate your dynamic content with ease.