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Integrate Lokalise with Hubspot to manage your pages, emails, and blogs.

Ilya Krukowski avatar
Written by Ilya Krukowski
Updated over a week ago

HubSpot is a platform that combines marketing, sales, and service software. The Lokalise app lets you translate the following types of content on HubSpot:

  • Website pages

  • Landing pages

  • Emails

  • Blogs

Please note, the app does not support custom modules.

Managing HubSpot content

To manage your HubSpot content, use the Marketing and Content dropdowns. As already mentioned above, Lokalise enables you to translate landing pages, website pages, blog, and e-mail.

if you're using a trial account on HubSpot, once the trial expires, you will only have access to website pages. Other content types like landing pages, blogs, and emails will be locked, preventing further translation through Lokalise.


Go to Marketing > Marketing email page and click Create email:

Adjust your email template. To change the default language, open the Settings tab:

Choose a desired language from the corresponding dropdown:

While you can clone an email, Lokalise cannot synchronize cloned emails. Only the original (primary) emails are supported.

Lokalise supports syncing emails that use A/B testing. However, only version A will be imported, since version B is a clone.

Landing and website pages

Create your landing and website pages as usual using HubSpot wizard. You can choose page language by clicking the Settings button:

Then find the Language dropdown:


When creating your blog, click Settings:

Adjust your language under the Language & Region tab:

Usually the language chosen here will also act as a base language in your Lokalise project.

Adding multi-language variations

Before you start translating anything, there's a required step. Lokalise can't work with languages that don't have any content on your site or blog—these are called "empty" languages. To get around this, you need to make at least one page or blog post for each language you want to use with Lokalise. But for emails, you only have to create one in your main language. You do not need to add locales to subscriptions for localizing emails. Let's break it down a bit more.

  • Imagine you're setting up a new project on HubSpot and want to translate your content into English, French, and German.

  • You choose English as the main language and make some pages in English.

  • Next, you add English, French, and German to your Lokalise project and import your English content from HubSpot.

  • After translating everything into French and German on Lokalise, you're ready to send it back to HubSpot. But here's the catch: you can only select English because French and German don't have any pages on HubSpot yet—Lokalise can't sync languages that don't have any content.

To solve this:

  • Open HubSpot.

  • Create a basic version of your pages in French and German. You don't need to translate everything perfectly right away.

  • Go back to Lokalise.

  • Refresh the list of items to fetch latest changes, and you'll be able to sync all your languages properly.

Website and landing pages

After a page is created, click the More button next to its name and choose Create multi-language variation from the dropdown:

Choose the primary language for your domain and click Save (you'll have to do it only once):

Then you will need to create the actual variation. You must create at least one variation per language. For example, if your content should be translated into English, German, and French, you must create at least one language variation for every language:


When creating a new post, you'll be able to choose its language:

Click Add a language in settings to manage your blog languages.

Add new languages:

Now when creating a new blog post you'll be able to choose a new language variation.

Alternatively, you can click the More button next to the existing blog entry and choose Create multi-language variation:

Next choose a language from the dropdown and create your new variation.

Setting up the app

To get started with HubSpot app, proceed to Lokalise, open your Web and mobile project, and click Apps:

Find HubSpot in the list, click on it:

Click Install in the dialog:

You'll be navigated to the authorization page on Hubspot. Allow Lokalise to access your HubSpot account.

Next, Lokalise will perform an initial synchronization, and after a couple of seconds you should see your HubSpot content.

If it does not happen, click Reload list:

Use the Filter dropdown to filter the content further. To perform synchronization again, click the Refresh button. After clicking it, you'll see the following message.

Importing content from HubSpot to Lokalise

This app also supports automated import. You can learn more in the corresponding article.

To translate HubSpot content, you have to import it. To achieve that, tick the checkboxes next to the items and click Import selected:

You'll be presented with the following dialog:

Choose one or more languages to import. If you have already imported the chosen items once and wish to download newer versions of the same items, then tick the Overwrite updated translations checkbox. Please note that this will overwrite all the corresponding translations in your Lokalise project with new versions from HubSpot.

You can also enable the Skip key creation for empty translations option which will not create any translation keys in your Lokalise project for translations that are empty.

Optionally, add any custom tags in the Assign tags field. These custom tags will be added to the imported translation keys.

If your current project has automations enabled, you'll be able to Automations options to apply your rules to the imported content.

Once you are ready, click OK. Your content will be imported to Lokalise in the background. After this process is finished, you’ll see a notification message:

Managing translations

Now return to the project editor by clicking on the project name in the top left corner. You will see all the imported content:

At this point you can perform translations as usual.


Each translation key might have a handful of tags represented as colored ellipses (including the custom tags you've assigned during the import). You can use these tags to filter your translations.

To achieve that, click Filter > Tag and choose the tags that you are interested in:

Exporting content from Lokalise to HubSpot

This app also supports automated export. You can learn more in the corresponding article.

Once you have translated the content, you’ll need to export it back to HubSpot. To achieve that, click Apps again and open the HubSpot app.

Find the items that you wish to export, tick the checkboxes next to them, and click Export selected:

Choose the languages that you would like to export:

If you don't see some language in the dropdown, make sure that you have created a multi-language variation for it on HubSpot as explained in this section. This operation has to be performed only once per language.

If needed, uncheck the Don’t export empty translations option. Once you are ready, click OK. Once the process is finished, you’ll see a notification message:

Checking the result

Once the export is finished, you can return to HubSpot and check your translated content.

A separate email will be created for every language:

As for the pages and blogs, you'll be able to see multi-language variations under the "base" item. For example, this page has English set as the primary language, and also it was translated into French:

Known issues and limitations

  • Our app does not support custom modules in HubSpot. If you attempt to import or export these types of content, no errors will appear; however, the data within these custom modules will not be synchronized.

  • While you can clone an email, Lokalise cannot synchronize cloned emails. Only the original (primary) emails are supported.

  • Lokalise supports syncing emails that use A/B testing. However, only version A will be imported, since version B is a clone.

  • If you make changes to an already published content item in HubSpot, you must update the item to save these changes. If not updated, these changes will not be recognized by the API and will not synchronize correctly.

  • For content items that are in draft status, you need to change the default text in the modules you add. If these default texts are not modified, they will not be recognized by the API and will not synchronize correctly.

  • When embedding a video in your email template, HubSpot utilizes a method called oembed. The sources for embedding videos are limited to those approved provided in the following JSON file. Using a video source not on the approved list will result in an error.
    To avoid this and related issues with oembed, you can use a workaround: create a custom module that uses a regular HTML iframe instead of oembed. This ensures there are no provider-related restrictions. Note that this custom module will not synchronize with Lokalise and should not contain translatable content.

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