Lokalise offers a Filter dropdown that lets you choose specific items based on custom conditions. In this article, we’ll walk you through how to use filtering on different pages.
Filtering translation keys
In the project editor, the Filter tool helps you display only the desired strings or keys. You can pick from several predefined filters, or you can create your own custom filters.
Creating a custom filter
Click Filter > New filter.
Adjust the criteria as needed.
Combine multiple conditions using the AND/OR operators.
When you're ready, click Apply or Save and apply to store these custom conditions. Saved filters are shared with all project contributors.
You can also customize predefined filters. Simply choose a filter from the dropdown, click Customize, and tweak the conditions to your liking:
To remove a filter, hit the cancel button next to the filter dropdown.
Notes on filters and operators
Untranslated (multilingual)
When you apply the Untranslated filter in the multilingual view, you'll see all keys with at least one untranslated language.
This means you might still see keys that have some translations, just not in all languages.
Translation has unbalanced brackets
This filter identifies keys with translations that have mismatched opening and closing brackets. For example:
[ text goes here )
( text goes here ]
[( text goes here ])
Translation was modified after
This filter shows translations that were updated or created after a specific date, including that date.
Translation matches source
This filter displays keys where a translation is identical to the base language.
AND/OR operators
When using AND/OR operators:
AND groups multiple conditions together.
OR separates the next condition into a new group.
Take a look at the following example:
This filter will return keys where translations either contain both "dog" and "apples," or "text" and "source." So, these translations match:
My dog likes apples
This is a source text
But these won’t match:
I have a dog
Please enter your text
If you use the AND operator with the "contains" filter, only translations that include all the specified words will be returned. For example:
If you search for translations containing "dog" and "apples," only texts with both words will show up. Translations with just one word won't be included.
Does not contain
Using the "does not contain" filter shows keys where at least one translation doesn’t include the specified word or phrase. You can also combine "contains" and "does not contain" filters:
This filter will return a key that has a translation that doesn’t contain "dog" but does contains "apples".
Translation is longer than allowed by
This filter is useful if you’re using character limits for translations.
Let’s say you have a translation with 21 characters, but the character limit is set to 15. The translation won’t be trimmed automatically.
To find translations that exceed the limit, use the "is longer than allowed by" filter.
If you enter "4" as the filter value, it will search for translations that go over the limit by at least 4 characters. Since your translation exceeds the limit by 6 characters, it will appear in the results.
If you enter a value greater than 6, the key won’t show up. To find all translations exceeding their limits, simply enter "1."
Filtering tasks
On the Tasks page you can filter the task themselves. To achieve that, click the Filter dropdown and adjust filtering options:
Then simply click Apply. In the example above we've chosen to display only the active translation tasks.
Filtering items in your apps
Certain apps support filtering the available items. Here's an example of the Intercom Articles app:
After adjusting the filter, you can choose which items you would like to import or export from/to Intercom.
Filtering glossary entries
Glossary entries can be filtered as well. To achieve that, proceed to the Glossary page and click Filter:
Adjust the criteria and click Apply.