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Teams and roles

Learn how teams, roles, and team users are organized in Lokalise.

Ilya Krukowski avatar
Written by Ilya Krukowski
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Please be aware that we're introducing a new permission management system. Learn more about the upcoming changes in the corresponding article.

In this article you'll learn how teams, roles, and users are organized in Lokalise.


Users in Lokalise are organized into teams. A team can contain many users, and a user can be a member of many teams. You can switch between teams any time by clicking your team avatar in the bottom left corner and choosing another team:

Each team contains:

When you create a new project in Lokalise, you and all the team owners are added to this project. These initially added users have full access rights within the project and can perform translations, add or remove keys, invite new users, change settings, and so on.

Please note that other (non-owner) team users are not added to team projects automatically, and you have to add them as contributors manually as explained in the Contributors article.

Team roles

Navigate to Team settings > Team to manage team roles.

A team user can have one of the following roles:


Each team can have one or more owners with similar rights. The user who initially created the team becomes an owner automatically. An owner can promote other team users to owners. The owners are automatically added to all projects created in a given team, and they cannot be removed from these projects.

A team owner:

  • is auto-added to all projects

  • cannot be removed from projects

  • can promote other users to owners

  • can delete the team

  • can promote other users to admins

  • can remove users

  • can create projects

  • can create orders

  • can manage subscription

  • can download invoices

  • can change billing details


A team admin:

  • can manage projects

  • create orders

  • promote team users to admins

  • remove users from the team

However, admins are not automatically added to the newly created projects, they can be removed from the projects, they can’t promote other users to owners, and they cannot change billing details.


Billers have the same access rights as admins but additionally they can manage subscriptions, edit billing details, download invoices, add and remove seats, change payment cards, and upgrade/downgrade plans. Billers are not added automatically to the projects and can be removed from the projects as needed.


Team members have restricted rights: they cannot modify any team settings, manage users, or view sensitive data like billing information. In other words, they can only be added to the projects as contributors.







Can promote other users to...

Owners, billers, admins



Remove users

Manage projects

Create orders

Manage subscription and seats

View invoices, edit billing details

Auto-added to all projects?

Remove team

Can be removed from projects?

Adding and managing team users

You can add one or more users directly by clicking the Add team users button under the Team settings > Team tab. Just enter the emails, choose the projects to add users to, and set up their access rights:

Team users are added implicitly in the following cases:

  • When you create a new team. In this case you as a creator will be added to the team with the owner role.

  • When you invite a project contributor as explained in the Contributors article. In this case a newly added contributor will also join a team with the member role.

  • When you have enabled the public signup feature in a project. In this case any person with a link can join your project as a contributor and become a member of the team.

  • When you have enabled the team visibility feature and allowed anyone with the proper email address to join.

  • When you have created a translation order and chosen Lokalise as a provider. In this case a translator and/or editor will be automatically added to the project and to the team with a member role.

Please note that every team user occupies a team seat, and every subscription plan has a different number of available seats. The only exception is the users that are automatically added when creating a translation order: these users do not occupy a seat. Please note that this quota is not strict and you can still invite additional users without paying extra. You won't be charged if these new users are removed within a 7 days time period. You can learn more about quotas in the corresponding document.

For each team user you can see how many projects the user belongs to.

In the screenshot above, the first user belongs to three projects, whereas the second user does not belong to any project at all. However, please note that even if a user does not belong to any project, s/he still occupies a team seat. If you'd like to free up a seat, you'll need to remove the corresponding user from the team by clicking the Remove button.

Translation reports

Please check the Translation reports article to learn more.

It is possible to view translation reports for any team user for the given date range to understand how many changes the user did and what these changes were. To achieve that, proceed to Team settings > Team and click the corresponding button at the bottom of the page:

After clicking the Translation reports button, you'll see the following dialog box:

Here you can choose the user to view the report for as well as adjust the date range. Once you are ready, click the Download report button.

Here's a sample CSV report demonstrating a few fields (in a real report you'll have much more info):

Subscribing to a plan

Any team biller or owner can subscribe to a plan. To achieve that, proceed to Team settings > Billing.

It is possible to change the invoicee if another team member subscribes to a plan. In this case, the previous invoicee subscription plan is canceled and the new plan becomes active immediately. A credit card icon is displayed next to the invoicee email address in team settings.

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