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Team settings

Learn about managing team settings.

Ilya Krukowski avatar
Written by Ilya Krukowski
Updated over a week ago

Each team on Lokalise has a collection of global settings that can be adjusted by admins, billers, and owners (with some specifics that we'll discuss later). Please note that individual projects within the team also have their own local settings.

Getting started

To get started, click on the avatar in the bottom left corner and choose Team settings:

On the next page you'll see a few tabs. Let's discuss each tab separately.


Under this tab you'll see the following info:

  • Team avatar (top left corner) — click on the avatar to upload a new image.

  • Team name — click Rename team to give your team a new name.

  • Team's usage limits — these quotas will depend on the team subscription plan. Team owners and billers can switch to a different plan any time. You can learn more about these quotas in the corresponding document.

  • Team members — the list of team users with their names, emails, number of projects, and roles. Please check the corresponding article to learn more about user management and the available roles.

At the bottom of the page you can find three buttons:

  • Add team member — invite one or more users by their emails. You will be able to choose a project to add these new users to and adjust their access rights.

  • Delete team — delete the current team as well as all the contributors, projects, and translation data. This action cannot be undone!

  • Translation reports — click on this button to view translation report for a specific team user. Check the corresponding article to learn more.

User groups

A user group is an entity of users with a set of assigned permissions.

One group can contain many users, and one user can be a member of many groups. Groups can also be added to one or more projects thus adding all group members as contributors. To learn more about user groups management, please check the corresponding article.

Usage overview

Please refer to the corresponding article to learn more about quotas.

Under the Usage overviewtab you'll find information about the quotas usage:

Advanced security

Under this tab you can adjust global security options for the team.

  • Enforce two-factor authentication — when enabled, your team members will not be able to access any projects without setting up two-factor authentication first via the Google Authenticator app (or any other similar app). This feature is available starting from the Pro plan and above. To learn more about setting up two-factor authentication on the user level, please check the corresponding article.

  • Enable SSO (single sign-on) — when enabled, your team members will be able to log in using your company's SAML identity provider. This feature is available only on the Enterprise plan and you can learn more about it by reading the corresponding article.

  • Secure password configuration — this feature is available only on the Enterprise plan. It enables you to define custom password policies for all users of the team. With this feature you can be sure that all members of the team are utilizing strong passwords and change them on a regular basis. Please find more information in the corresponding article.

  • Team visibility — by enabling this feature, you can allow newly registered users to join your team (instead of adding these users manually to the team). The newly registered users will be able to join your team only if the domain parts of their emails match your team domain (for example, will be able to join only a team with an domain). Therefore, first you'll have to verify your email and domain by clicking the corresponding link (check the screenshot above). After this action is completed, you'll be able to change team visibility settings and allow your users to join the team upon registering at Lokalise. Please find detailed explanations in the corresponding article.

Audit logs

Audit logs is available only on the Enterprise plan. To learn more about this feature, please refer to the corresponding article.

Audit logs can be used to view very detailed information about all the events that happened within your team. For example, you can see who has logged in recently, created a project snapshot, or added a new translation key:

Translation memory

Translation memory management feature is available from the Pro plan and above. To learn more about this feature, please refer to the corresponding article.

Under this tab you can manage translation memory (TM) storages that are used in team projects.

Everything that you (or any other team member) type in the editor, upload or set via the API is being saved automatically in the translation memory for future use. Later, when you are translating the same phrase for the same language, Lokalise will provide you with a handful of inline suggestions from the translation memory. This way, you’ll be able to use the translation right away, without the need to type everything by hand.


Under this tab team owners and billers can manage team subscription, view billing history, and change billing details.

  • The Overview tab provides general information about your current plan. Click the Change plan link to upgrade or downgrade your subscription. Subscription information might contain additional information, for example, regarding depleted quotas.

  • Under the History tab you'll see all the payments made within the current team.

  • Under the Billing details tab you can view and modify your team's billing information.


The Vendor rate profiles is available only on the Enterprise plan. To learn more about this feature, please refer to the corresponding article.

Vendor rate profiles (VRP) allow you to define specific rates for different vendors, and also provide varying rates based on the language pairs and translation memory leverage. The created rates can then be utilized when adding new tasks. After the tasks are completed, you may easily determine how much every assignee should be paid based on his/her contribution using the generated reports.

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